Women’s Trauma Recovery & Empowerment Group

If you have experienced trauma through physical, sexual or emotional abuse or assault, and are interested in re-building your life from the inside out, improve self-esteem, and decrease the obstacles of guilt and shame, please join us as we make positive steps toward healing in a community of women. All sharing will be done in an atmosphere of safety and respect.

Topics to be covered are: What it means to be a woman, developing ways to feel better, self-esteem, emotional and physical boundaries, intimacy and trust. The group also includes: female sexuality, and gaining understanding about trauma and abuse in relationships. Further topics are: decision making, trusting your judgment, and healthy communication skills.

Because the impact of abuse can run deep, it is recommended that members be in individual therapy currently or have had therapy previously. A 30-minute pre-screening interview will be conducted at no charge to make sure the group is the right fit Tuesday mornings from 9:00-10:15 AM, beginning September 7, 2021. This group will be held via Microsoft Teams video conference platform. It is recommended that every attendee have an individual counselor to work through any residual issues. Please contact us for more information.

Cost: $40 per group session

A 10% discount will be offered to those who prepay the entire ten weeks.