Professional Development Opportunities


A. How Abuse Produces Similar Psychological Effects in Cults & Sex Trafficking Survivors

Learning Objectives:

1) What are the typical clinically significant psychological effects in sex trafficking and cultic survivors?

2) Are there long-term dynamics which hinder a survivor’s recovery?

3) Is there a particular DSM-5 diagnosis applicable to such survivors?

B. The Hormonal Elements and Pseudo-Personality of Trauma Bonds in Abusive Relationships

Learning Objectives:

1) What hormones are affected by trauma bonds and how do they affect the survivor?

2) How does a pseudo-personality form?

3) How do licensed therapist work with a pseudo-personality and how does a client discover their authentic self?

C. The Identity Progression of Pseudo-Personalities in Deleterious High Demand Groups (i.e., secular and religious cults, sex trafficking, domestic violence)

Learning Objectives:

1) What is a deleterious high demand group?

2) Can a group be a cult if they are not religious?

3) What are the steps of identify progression of a pseudo-personality?

4) Can a pseudo-personality be countered?

D. Therapeutic Considerations for Counseling Trauma Clients

Learning Objectives:

1) What categories are important in treatment planning inclusion for trauma clients?

2) What assessments are helpful for therapeutic consideration in working with trauma clients?

3) What type of therapeutic work is appropriate for each stage of treatment (Safety & Stabilization, Processing Trauma, Reintegration)?